Little Fook Zhow

Not only tasty, but also with story! a brand that provide different product of food.

Not only Tasty? Also with Story?

There is only two place that have a name Called Little FuZhou. One In United States America, And the Other one in Malaysia. How come a Muslim Country but have a Place Called Little FuZhou. This we have to take back the time to 28 Years Ago……

Go look at their website ok?

This client need help designing their product packaging for Sabah’s markets. Our team is incorporating a modern and nostalgic touch. Though we’re not experts in product design, this client has consistently supported us in tough times. So, we’ve decided to assist with the packaging. Impressive, right?

The client wants a modern and old-school logo for global trademark registration. We are working to bring their vision to life with an old-school Mandarin font that embodies the brand’s history.

The client desires a website that blends modern and old-school elements, with a sleek design and captivating effects that seamlessly integrate with the overall aesthetic. Our goal is to create a user-friendly and visually appealing website to enhance the user experience.